Imprint / Provider declaration

Dr. rer. pol. Hans H. Th. Sendler EUSENDOR

Address: Suarezstr. 41, 14057 Berlin
Phone.: 0049 30 31999635
Cell: 0049 172 2514913

Assessor, fully qualified lawyer, confirmation by the President of the Judicial Examination Office of Hesse dated 28.4.1975

USt-IdNr.: DE270581206

To contact us directly, you can use thes contact form.

Provider declaration

Aims of this website

Its sole purpose is to provide information about the activities and services associated with EUSENDOR and to establish contact. Services are provided solely within the scope of the laws applicable to the service functions.

Provider Promise

We strive to provide clear, understandable and fair terms of use and legal notices, without surprises. Data transmitted by users will not be disclosed to third parties without their consent. This website does not contain any hidden fees. Our website complies with German law. You can refer to this at any time.


The content of this website has been compiled with the utmost care, to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, we assume no liability for the completeness, accuracy, timeliness or reliability of its contents.

The content is available for retrieval on the website. We do not assume any liability for their usability for other purposes.

Contents of texts by named authors reflect the opinion of the author, but not necessarily that of the provider.

Insofar as links are provided from this website to other websites, it is pointed out that there is no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked pages and that their content is not adopted as our own, therefore the operators of these pages are exclusively responsible. This applies to all external links on this site and to all content of the pages to which advertising media (e.g. banners, text ads, video ads) lead. For linked pages, illegal contents were not recognizable at the time of linking. If you notice any illegal content on the pages linked here, we would be grateful if you could point it out to us.

Copyrights/Creative commons

The contents and texts on this website are protected by copyright. Any use, even in part, requires our express prior consent. However, within the framework of the right of quotation, it is possible to quote from the contents of this website if at the same time a link is made to the complete text of this website or our page and – if indicated – the author of the text is named. For private use, copies of our works can be made, e.g. by printing or downloading to a local storage medium. Publication on the Internet is expressly not a private use.

If content on this website is free content in the sense of Creative Commons, this content is marked accordingly and is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany License (

Links to our website and subpages are possible at any time and without prior consent.

If you become aware of any copyright infringement, including through this website, please notify us. We will then endeavor to remedy the situation.

We do not warn without prior contact

We do not issue warnings to websites with which we are in competition or which infringe our rights without first informing them of the illegality and giving them the opportunity to remedy the situation. Likewise, we ask for information to us and prior contact without cost note and warning, should content of this website violate applicable law or infringe rights of third parties. We will check any content that is the subject of complaint and, if necessary, remove or adjust it within a reasonable period of time. We know that this passage does not protect against legitimate warnings.


If you have any further questions about this website, please contact us – preferably via the contact form .

We may amend this Supplier Declaration at any time by publishing the amended texts on this website. Amended terms and conditions automatically come into effect 30 days after initial publication.


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